Murray-Tiedge, D. (2007). Connecting the past with the present: Can a creativity exercise from the 1950’s still be relevant to industrial design today? In C. Cullen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Eastman/I.D.S.A. International Education Symposium: Connecting (pp. 209-215). Dulles, VA: Industrial Designers Society of America.
Murray-Tiedge, D. (2007). Creativities. Master’s thesis in Industrial Design, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL.
Unpublished Papers
Murray-Tiedge, D. (2011). Literature review informing the intersection of "creativity through the arts" and entrepreneurship. Prepared for Lisa Canning and the Institute for Arts Entrepreneurship, Chicago, IL.
Murray-Tiedge, D. (2010). Space in Learning Environments. College of Education early research requirement, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Murray-Tiedge, D. (2008). Case study surrounding two opposing styles of creativity. College of Education research specialization requirement, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Working Papers
The six thinking hats of social science research.
Physical context of learning: Can the physical attributes of learning spaces support the learning experience?